Bio-hacking the Gut with MF DOOM

Today I want to share a simple technique that you can use to re-set your Gut Clocks so that you experience the correct timing of bowel movements and bowel activity (early-morning) which will lower your risk of being Phase-shifted or Circadian Arrythmia in the Gastrointestinal tract (Gut.

I have seen massive benefits in both daily energy levels, motivation and serotonin production, as well as better insulin sensitivity and carb tolerance, and better general gut health from this. 

I have a theory that many people, even those without major gut issues presenting themselves through symptoms, have a Gastrointestinal Circadian Arrythmia... in simple terms: 

Your Gut Clocks Are Off.

And it is causing inflammation and chaos in the cells of your gut tissues.

Every cell of the Gut (including the Liver) must communicate with each other and perform processes in a timely manner, without this, inflammation and chaos ensues - check this article.

If you go back to my previous blog "Protocols Series: Introduction" you will see an introduction of the connection of Mitochondria, Circadian rhythms and all diseases. 

It's something we have to keep refreshing in our minds because it is so subtle, and always below our perception level, as we can't perceive the effect of Light on our body and therefore do not perceive it's pernicious effects on our biology. Time and time again, I come back to Light.

Regardless whether you believe any of it based on theory and my ramblings... try this simple Bio-hacking technique and see for yourself what happens after a few weeks. 

A friend of mine did this for 1 week and the weight loss and energy improvement was tremendous, and they did not have a serious disease in their Gut. 

I always use this trick when I have traveled across time-zones to re-sync my Gut clocks with the rest of my body (including my Brain where lies the Body Clock/ Master clock).

Technique/ Bio-hack

1. Aim to stop eating (dinner) by 5pm, latest 6pm. Ensure you block out Artificial Light (check my last blog for tips) and go to bed early. Set an alarm for 5 minutes before Sunrise

2. Have a small amount of local fruit, or honey, prepared in the fridge or cupboard. E.g. you could have some berries, local honey and yoghurt. If you're in the tropics, or it is summer, try a more exotic fruit.

3. Wake up, grab a bowl and mix together the prepared fruit (and yoghurt if using) and eat whilst watching the Sunrise or if you cannot see it directly, while outside exposing your eyes and skin to the natural light. You can also use a whole squeezed Lime/ Lemon in hot Water (an old Ayurvedic trick).

4. Repeat daily for 4 weeks

Try this and see what happens the following morning. If nothing, continue to implement this technique for the following weeks and see if your bowel movements come earlier.  

You should begin to wake up earlier, fresher and with more energy. You will not need the alarm eventually. You will also witness a lot of fat loss.

What you witness is proof that the most important aspect of Obesity and Metabolic disorders is Circadian rhythms and not what you eat, but when you eat. 

It re-frames the idea that sugar is bad, and puts that generalization under major scrutiny. It is very similar to how many people begin Grounding, Ice Baths or Sunbathing and notice their symptoms disappear without needing to change their diet.

We must stop Food-shaming and elimination diets, and start embracing thoughts to our Environment and our true make up. 

We must start seeing Food as information. It is not that certain foods aren't a problem (many are riddled with pesticides), but it is that we are focusing wholly on the wrong things and getting bad results because we are lost.  

It is not that we can't use diets as a therapeutic intervention, but that we must know why they work on a deeper level - a Mitochondrial level - and not because X food is bad because of some rationale (like Oxalates, or plant toxins, or sugar and glucose).

Clearly, as shown in this video here with Dr Paul Saladino and Thomas De Lauer, there is a large contradiction in experience between Paul's initial journey into Low-carb dieting and how he feels about Carbs now after living in a Sun-drenched, low EMF, healthy environment such as the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica.

Check the comments on the video... does everyone else have the same attitude or response to re-introducing Carbs as he does? 

No, most of them say "Hell No!".

I wonder where they live, and what their environments are like? Have they considered that, or are they still afraid of their food? 

What is this doing to society, as we are divided in ways into Food-tribes and Food-cults such as Carnivore and Vegan?

What happens at the end of the video, the 2 final things that he has learned?... 

Grounding and stopping of wearing his Sunglasses (to absorb more Sun through his eyes)... isn't that interesting?

It almost seems as if he's beginning to realize maybe it isn't about his Diet, but about the Electromagnetic force that the universe uses to power all life forms via our Giant Star in the centre of our solar system.

All dis-ease is an invitation to better understand yourself.

Humanity is experiencing widespread chronic diseases because the Universe is requesting a major investigation of self-understanding for Humanity. 

Humanity cannot advance further with technology, without first knowing its own technology, and how it works. Forget about AI. We cannot even operate or understand our own electrical systems.


EMFs and Artificial Light destroy Gut Clocks as they de-synchronize our cellular clocks by interfering with Calcium (Ca2+) gated channels. They interfere with cellular signalling. They block metabolism in the Mitochondria which make Water, deuterium depleted water, and this inevitably dehydrates the cell. 

Effectively, all of our electrical technology de-hydrates us on some level, minor or major. Should we just neck some salty mineral water and be done with it then?

No, unfortunately, your Magnesium and Mineral solutions don't make a difference. Nor does your drinking water. Because the Mitochondria are nano-scopic machines that recycle 17,000 litres of Hydrogen and make all the Water we need. 

The Water we drink merely carries away Heat and Toxins out of our body. It barely makes a difference to the Cell. In fact, many mammals can go days without Water... the Hadza tribe also don't drink much water... do you know that when we Fat burn, we make 110ml of water for every 100g of Fat we burn in the Mitochondria?

They are so optimized at fat-burning and it is constantly maintaining their cellular hydration because they are in an near-perfect electromagnetic environment.

Could how much water you need to drink on a daily basis, be a reflection of how bad your environment is? Is the 7 glasses a day a bit of a nonsense suggestion such as get your 5 a day?

I don't advocate for cutting out water consumption. Unfortunately, most of us depend on it because our cells are constantly needing to export cellular waste and toxins due to our environments.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are constantly interfering and suspending cellular activities (because all of our cellular activities are electromagnetic in nature) whilst the Field is having it's impression on us... think of it like how magnets affect Iron filings. It literally re-orders there pattern.

The problem is deepened because our biology is intrinsically sensitive to EMFs because it is designed to be influenced by Earth's natural EMFs, which operate at a much lower frequency similar to our brainwaves (1-30 hertz). 

But natural EMFs aren't always Rosey and Dandy for us either - there is interesting data that prior to 1900s all Influenza (Flu) pandemics outbreaks were tied to Sun Cycles every 11 years... could it be that the Universe "culls the herd" and kills the weak and elderly from the earth by periodical increased Cosmic radiation?

I'd like to explore that more in the future. But, if you'd like to read more, the book "Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg is an excellent start.  


Wild humans such as the Hadza tribe are being lauded by alternative health doctors as having the perfect Gut microbiome. However, they suggest eating the same type of Diet, which is logical because the food they eat can be mimicked (somewhat), but the environment they live in cannot be mimicked.

These wild humans do not need these bio-hacks (nor much Water) as they have a perfect gut microbiome due to perfect circadian rhythms from living connected to Nature without technology.

Did you know that Bacteria and Funghi grow based on the substrate Ph or Acid/ Alkaline or Positive/ Negative charge?

So, if your Gut cells are inflamed due to poor mitochondrial function (where all the Positive/ Negative charge is generated) and the gut cells therefore have a positive charge... what difference does it make if you take a probiotic that has been shown to exist in a Hadza microbiome?

It doesn't. It won't survive. 

Because the Gut Microbiome, the type, quantity and volume is dependent on the Tissue/ Surface Ph or Charge which is generated in the Mitochondria.

Is this why many people experience issues with SIBO and Candida too? Because of a positive charge, certain species are going to populate and grow versus other more beneficial species. Changing the food only temporarily alters the charge. This is why Ketosis is typically recommended in both SIBO and Candida with good results... 

We can generate a better, negative charge in our tissues through a Ketogenic-Low Carb diet because it uses an alternative process in dysfunctional mitochondria... it uses Complex 2, instead of Complex 1, and it allows us to generate 5x the ATP and more Water, which provides more negatively charged electrons to the cell and therefore makes the cell more Alkaline / negatively charged (more electrons, instead of Protons).

This is why so many people (including myself) have switched to a Ketogenic Diet. It also makes sense from an ancestral stand point and I agree that it is a better diet as it supplies far more electrons to our system. It seems to be the case, based on the data on dental health and physical fitness and diseases that was shown by Weston A Price in the very early 1900s showing grain-eating agricultural humans vs ancestral diet hunter gatherer humans.

Picture showing teeth of Ancestral diet humans (left) vs Grain-fed, modern diet Humans (right)

This type of diet can off-set a bad environment and slow down the onset of disease. But long term, if you don't fix the environment, the problems will return because you haven't fixed the root cause: The environment filled with EMF/ Artificial Light and a lack of connection to Nature.

Notice that most low-carbers/ carnivores/ low oxalate subscribers can't tolerate switching back to Carbs (processed by Mitochondrial Complex 1) - which means their environment is still dehydrating them and causing Mitochondrial dysfunction.

The Hadza tribe are able to generate massive negative electric charge (Alkalinity) in their Gastrointestinal tracts from their lifestyles and being connected to nature (grounding, sunlight exposure, cooling at night by sleeping outside) that they are completely immune to E Coli and dirty water/ dirty food.

This is because they have a massive amount Gut Flora to handle any invasive species. The E Coli also cannot grow and last in such a negatively charged gut environment. The species cannot grow in number beyond the other competing species. 

However, modern humans with poor, EMF-irradiated, weak mitochondria are becoming more and more susceptible to all diseases and infections due to a simplified and reduced Gut microbiome and a more positively charged Gastrointestinal tract. 

This is leading to all kinds of dysfunction and symptoms such as bloating, IBS, gut pain and auto-immune reactions. I believe this is what caused Saladino's Eczema and it is why he can now eat carbs and fruits without having the reactions - because he is living in a different environment. 

Remember, he is grounding and absorbing sunlight at the 9th latitude (very strong UV Light all year round) and surfing everyday at Sunrise. Is it fair for him to condemn foods, when he hasn't mentioned to you that it may be nothing to do with the food you eat, but the timing of those foods in the day/ month/ season and the respective EMF environment you're in?

Is it misleading thousands of people who buy the books and follow the diets and buy the supplements and products when they could simply re-locate or mitigate the EMF in their environment and implement FREE lifestyle changes that would solve most of their problems?

Here is a talk by Jeff Leach who conducted the 2nd largest Microbiome study in the world on the Hadza tribe and their environment. It is absolutely fascinating to listen to, especially considering the final conclusion:

The only variation with the Hadza tribe's microbiome throughout the whole year, despite numerous different foods and drugs given to them (such as anti-biotics and coco cola), was the seasonal alteration in Sunlight (the wet/ dry season).

Food intolerances, poor microbiomes and gastrointestinal diseases have exploded since the use (and abuse) of technology and it's electromagnetic fields that come with it. 

They are also implicated and coupled to many major diseases outside of Gastrointestinal diseases, such as Depression, Anxiety, Dementia, Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Obesity and Auto-immune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. 

We must begin to understand ourselves, our biological rhythms, and the influence of the environments around us. I hold my hands up, that is me included. If we all become more aware, we can start building a more appropriate world with technology that is safe and mitigate the dangers we face.

As the old Hip-Hop legend MF DOOM says in his 1999 track Rhymes Like Dimes...

"Electromagnetic field will block all logic, Spock, and g shock, her biological clock"

He was far before his time.

Please try out the bio-hack given above and let me know your comments, questions and your results below if you wish to share.

Muchos bezos y abrazos

Sean Waters


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