Protocols Series: Introduction to Mitochondria and the Protocols

Protocols Series: Introduction to Mitochondria and the Protocols

How do we get well when we have a disease or if we're feeling sub-optimal?

That's the only question that matters when you have a disease. The only answer of significance. I won't beat around the bush, I'll give you everything in this first document, all the answers that I possess to the best of my knowledge right now. 

We need to understand the "why" and "how" of disease itself, these will come later in more detail, but first I just want to give a quick introduction to Mitochondria (watch this!) and how they form the focal point of the protocols I will give you today that allow us to reverse disease.

The protocols about reversing disease. It isn't a true reversal unless you do not fall prey to disease again, right? So how do we ensure that? We have to realise that environments cause disease, not genetics. To understand that, we need to understand Mitochondria (and this too!).

The majority of modern diseases are diseases of the Mitochondria, as laid out in those links above by Dr Doug Wallace, and not the nuclear genome, despite the fact that 99% of research funding is on the nuclear genome and not the Mitochondrial genome. The majority of these diseases of the Mitochondria are "diseases of poor light environments", as Dr. Jack Kruse would say, who is arguably the highest authority on the subject of circadian biology in the alternative or natural health field. 

It's of my opinion, and many others including Dr Kruse, that we can generate wellness and disease reversal by increasing the Redox of the Mitochondria. Redox? What the hell does that mean?

In simple terms it means Available Energy. 

The more energy we have, the higher our redox level or "potential". Where does this energy come from? This... Redox Potential?

It comes from the Mitochondria themselves and, although we agree on almost everything, here is where myself and Dr Kruse separate ourselves from Doug Wallace and the more conventional beliefs.

It's of my opinion, that Light is the key driver of Energy and Redox Potential in the Mitochondria.

Take a look at this figure from this study by Dr Doug Wallace.

figure 1

The images above are of Mitochondria inside the cell, can you see how they sit right up against each other? Isn't it fascinating to see the givers of our life force in picture?

Wallace found that when the Mitochondria are close together like this, their cristae (the geometrical lines within each Mitochondrion - which is where energy is generated) align themselves into patterns and the Mitochondria has maximised electron density - in other words, they have maximum energy when they form these Inter-Mitochondrial Junctions (IMJs). 

Mitochondria - as the earlier links laid out - are ELECTRICAL POWERHOUSES. They contain the same electrical power as a bolt of lightning just on a tiny portion of their cristae. They have enough voltage to power thousands of homes for 1 whole year. This is how we are able to have these incredible brains, with immense consciousness, memory and sensory experiences, all while breathing automatically, digesting food and functioning 24/7 without any need for a driver.

Wallace found that the converse is true, that when spaced apart, energy production (and electron density) drops significantly. Abnormalities in Mitochondria, or "swelling" and distortion of their shape, due to an excessive, artificial light environment is the biggest risk factor of Mitochondrial disease in modern times. The effect of the Blue Light hazard on Mitochondria has been well studied to be very detrimental, however this has not entered the mainstream medicine industry.

All cancers, auto-immune disease, allergies, alzheimer's, diabetes, heart disease and all behavioural disorders come back to this same problem of artificial light and it's ruination on our Mitochondrial structure and function. Check this study showing how post-mortem analysis of Bipolar patients showed abdnormalities in the size, shape and location of Mitochondria in the pre-frontal cortex. Is this why we've seen rates of Bipolar disorder explode in children since the widespread introduction of technology and artificial light? I think so.

We need to re-shape our Mitochondria in order to re-shape our lives. 

Nearly everything in these protocols below, and what will be explained in future blogs, will be to optimise the connection of Mitochondria - to bring the colony back together and optimise the alignment of the cristae, the size and shape to optimise energy production.

It's not easy, but if you master it, I firmly believe there isn't a single disease out there that cannot be reversed by restoring Mitochondrial function using these protocols.

The 10 Protocols for Mitochondrial Function

1. Sunlight

2. Grounding

3. Water

4. Cleaning the Environment (Artificial Light, EMFs & Toxins)

5. Dietary Intervention - Seafood and Ketosis

6. Cold, Magnetism & Breathing

7. Red Light Therapy/ Photobiomodulation (PBM)

8. Exercise

9. Supplements, Herbs, Aromatherapy, HBOT & other Bio-hacks

10. Union - Spirituality: Yoga, Astrology, Meditation and more.

The Circadian Biology (Body Clocks) behind the Protocols

They are all one piece each of the whole, but there is definitely a chronological order of sorts. You can start them all at once, but I'd recommending taking it slowly and introducing one at a time, as your Mitochondrial colony has specific time periods or "turnover rates" or schedules for regeneration which vary in different tissues.

We will get into this more later, but as an example, the upper layers of the skin typically regenerate into completely brand new tissue every 48-72 hours. The Gut also follows an identical schedule for it's processes of about 2-3 days. The Brain (CNS), however, hasn't been fully calculated yet but is estimated to regenerate every 7 years (2,555 days). 

Typically, when we are trying to heal a tissue we need to bear in mind that we have lost our time schedule for healing - for instance, an inflamed Gut in IBS/ IBD will likely not be regenerating at all or perhaps on a much longer schedule than even the adjacent part of the Gut just a few inches away. Imagine a business that is about to go bankrupt, every level of the company is dysfunctional and out of tune.

What we're doing with the above Protocols is adding energy back into your Mitochondria. We are increasing Electrons and Photons in quantity, and flow, inside our Mitochondria. 

As I showed you at the start of the blog, when we have a disease our Mitochondria have dysfunctional or abdnormal structures/ shape or "morphology". When we send electrons and photons down these faulty structures, that are actually electrical circuits, we can actually cause a bit of a short circuit due to an inability to handle the current of flow or the charge input. We are also rapidly liberating many stagnant and heavy toxins from our cells into our bloodstream to be processed by the Liver, Kidneys and then removed from the body.

In most people, all this will do is cause some stress for a day or two, especially with strong Tropical Sunlight (high UV) or Deep CT (Ice Baths), usually in the form of poor sleep from over-stimulation, tiredness, detox symptoms such as rashes, nausea, diarrhea and all the symptoms of someones' typical disease may get temporarily worse.

The same things occur in any healing protocol - whether you go to the Vegan/ Paleo/ GAPS/ Ketogenic diets, Joe Dispenza/ Kundalini yoga methods, Saunas, Fasting, Wim Hof method, Herbal, Ayurvedic, Naturopathic and so on, they all increase charge inside the Mitochondria in their own way and the stronger one pushes the more resistance is met, especially if the Mitochondria are very abnormal in shape and size (diseased).

I didn't heed my own advice, anyone that knows me can tell you that I am one of the most impulsive and impatient people they know, and I ran into a lot of brick walls. Take your time.

The most fundamental aspect of these protocols is the re-tuning of Circadian Rhythm to the environment. That is this Universe, in this solar system, on this planet, in your current post code. Every part of the protocol seeks to optimise this re-tuning in some way. 

In fact, any healing method that works will optimise circadian biology - as a healthy colony of Mitochondria can entrain itself to the Body Clock much more efficiently than diseased, dysfunctional tissue.

That last paragraph is the be all and end all for disease reversal. Understanding that your disease is reversed, or at least managed, by mastering your level of entrainment to your environment via The Body Clock (SCN) through the dual approach of:

    1. Synchrony with the light and dark cycle, and simultaneously;
    2. Controlling levels of inflammation (chaos/ entropy) in tissues

Hence, the name of the blog. 

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What is the Body Clock?

The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) which is a tiny group of cells full of Mitochondria that sits in the Brain and is connected to our eyes, where it receives Light in order to calculate the timing for every cell in the body. It controls the timing and circadian rhythms of all cells in the body, when it is dysfunctional or disrupted by using artificial light (especially in the Blue range) we lose circadian harmony and our health suffers. This tiny nucelus has immense effects on stress, hormones, fertility, behaviour and metabolism (Mitochondria).

Molecular Biology and Physiology of Circadian Clocks | Oxford Research  Encyclopedia of Neuroscience

The Perfect Circadian Day:

So how does one do it? Is there an example of how one lives out all of this? 

I will go into each Protocol over the next few months and years and break things down into details and specifics, noting all the contexts for different people that I can think of. But, for now, I can give you an example of a Perfect Circadian Day.
Seeing the Sunrise with fully exposed eyes and skin, grounded to the Earth with barefeet, while
drinking cold, natural spring or glacial water, paying attention to avoid potential halogens and contaminants. At this time, a Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) yoga practice or stretching and breathing is at it's best.
Mitigating EMF and Artificial Light by:
  • Turning phones and ipads off or using Airplane mode
  • Mitigating dirty electricity (D.E) from the local grid/ home wiring by turning off circuits at the fuse-board and using quality D.E Filters (important)
  • Switching to candles in place of electric lighting/ LEDs
  • Grounding computers and routers
  • Switching off bluetooth, wi-fi and other RF communications from devices
  • Avoiding cell towers and electro-polluted environments through testing and mitigation strategies (distance and/ or shielding)
Eating breakfast within 1 hour of sunrise with wild seafood, organic eggs, turmeric, black pepper, sea salt, ghee or coconut oil and some local organic tree nuts. Paying attention to restriction of high-carb or high-deuterium food in place for deuterium depleting fats and seafood proteins, using ketosis if appropriate for the context. 

After breakfast taking a cold shower or even a dip into a body of cold water, such as a lake or an ice bath in order to activate fat burning pathways and raise dopamine for the day ahead. Combining this with deep breathing and meditation while outside in the Sun, in order to observe the mind and enter a deep meditative state with the increased magnetism of the cooled body. 

Following this, Red Light Therapy could be used or even better to lay out and warm up in the essential morning sunlight between 8 and 12pm, and if possible, staying out into solar noon to maximise Vitamin D synthesis, provided the body has been prepared through several weeks of adaptation.

In the afternoon, the optimal time for exercise begins between 1 and 5pm, while taking advantage of the strong UV rays and/ or cold temperatures of the local environment, high-intensity training can be performed with a closely timed seafood-based high protein dinner eaten within 1 hour of the workout. 

Another cold dip could be done after this, or simply packing some ice packs onto the abdomen, back and chest for 10-20 minutes to upregulate fat-burning post-meal and optimise insulin and cortisol levels in preparation for the coming regeneration of nighttime.

Finally, catch the Sunset to receive the melatonin-stimulating red light and entrain the SCN to the light/ dark period. Ideally, wind down in candle lit rooms and get dark and cool in order for a beautiful restorative sleep. However, if living in light-pollution, ensure to wear blue blocking glasses, cover your skin with clothing and use Red Light and/ or candles at night to offset the melatonin-destroying blue frequency light. 
Everything above will promote the highest-quality sleep and regeneration, where all of the cells will use the assimilated UV/ IR/Visible Light spectrum from the daytime, that have been built into proteins such as melanin, melatonin and aromatic amino acids to signal and rebuild the cellular terroir for the following day.

Final note

I look forward to building on everything written here. I have not been able to include everything, nor anything in the true detail I'd like, but that will all come in time.

Also, I must mention that Dr Jack Kruse's site has much of this information laid out in high detail. I would highly recommend Jack's forum on his site, it's a great place to find information, I often google " x subject + Jack kruse forum " to seek informatio and discussions. However, over the years of teaching this stuff to people, I've found a high quantity of people cannot get through his blogs - either due to grammar, style, or density of the unfamiliar information.

I don't think we all need to learn quantum mechanics to make use of this information, but I do recognise we need to bring people up to a better standard than the current natural and conventional healthcare leaders have us.

Hopefully, I can provide the happy medium. "Balance" as my girlfriend calls it, but she knows how much I hate that word. 

Please leave comments below, as I'm sure there will be many, this will help me shape the blogs to optimise this information exchange.

Love, Sean xx


  1. Your first blog was so raw - shocking and inspiring. I hate that you had to go through that, it upsets me to think of you in so much pain but it has brought you here, to this second blog. You are a teacher now and we are listening and learning. You are an absolute gift. Thank you xx

    In relation to seafood - fish stock can not be substituted? It needs to be fish protein?

  2. Struggling to comment back with my profile here, think I'm going to move to my own domain! Sorry for that.

    Thank you for your comment ❤️ means the world to read what you said xx

    Seafood - yeah you need to eat whole seafood to get the DHA, Selenium, B12, Iron, Iodine and all the other things.. the broth will pull out some good stuff but it's nothing compared to raw seafood


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