Bio-hacking the Gut with MF DOOM

Today I want to share a simple technique that you can use to re-set your Gut Clocks so that you experience the correct timing of bowel movements and bowel activity (early-morning) which will lower your risk of being Phase-shifted or Circadian Arrythmia in the Gastrointestinal tract (Gut. I have seen massive benefits in both daily energy levels, motivation and serotonin production, as well as better insulin sensitivity and carb tolerance, and better general gut health from this. I have a theory that many people, even those without major gut issues presenting themselves through symptoms, have a Gastrointestinal Circadian Arrythmia... in simple terms: Your Gut Clocks Are Off. And it is causing inflammation and chaos in the cells of your gut tissues. Every cell of the Gut (including the Liver) must communicate with each other and perform processes in a timely manner, without this, inflammation and chaos ensues - check this article . If you go back to my previous blog " Protocols...